Stormwater Planning

Creative, cost-effective solutions to upgrade community infrastructure.


Stormwater Planning

Creative, cost-effective solutions to upgrade community infrastructure.


Stormwater Planning that Serves People and the Environment

Our stormwater planning solutions focus on opportunities to enhance the environment while solving vexing drainage problems that cause calls to the Public Works line. From cost-effective infrastructure expansion plans, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to strategies that integrate regulatory compliance into daily storm system operations, we develop feasible capital projects, complete hot-spot analyses for retrofits, and discover funding opportunities.

Stormwater Projects >

Stormwater Master Planning

Our stormwater master planning applies to site, municipal, basin, and regional geographies. Otak works closely with clients to create plans and policies to support improvements that meet regulatory requirements. We utilize GIS analysis to identify solutions, issues, and opportunities for planning and outreach. Otak aligns infrastructure improvements with comprehensive sustainability, or open space plans to provide extensive community benefits. By prioritizing key improvement areas and building a consensus with our partners, Otak remains the premier choice for stormwater planning in the regions we occupy.

Stormwater Permit & Regulatory Compliance

Otak supports municipal stormwater permittees by preparing permit deliverables, such as updated engineering standards or new policies, that meet evolving regulatory standards. Furthermore, Otak offers program development and support for illicit discharge efforts, development review procedures, data and asset management, as well as storm system facility inspection. We ensure regulatory compliance by updating stormwater management programs, design standards, and stormwater engineering manuals.

Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Development

Otak works with jurisdictions to develop planning priorities, and identify constraints that limit storm system function or performance. We develop concept plans and estimate construction costs for a community’s long-range storm system needs. We evaluate opportunities for drainage infrastructure, low-impact development or green infrastructure, and stream restoration. In taking project concepts to final plans, specifications and estimates, our team’s experience in final design and construction management adds essential perspective to the CIP planning stage.

What is Stormwater Planning?

Stormwater planning is the development of long-term plans for managing the quantity, quality, and timing of stormwater runoff and addressing stream and river flooding in communities. Strategies and techniques are designed to address the local community’s specific environmental and regulatory challenges. These solutions deliver resources to improve infrastructure, plan for growth, restore water quality, and manage hydrologic conditions.

Want to talk Projects? Contact our Stormwater Planning Leads.

“I like working at Otak because my projects bring me in contact with stormwater managers throughout the Pacific Northwest.”

Trista Kobluskie


Senior Planner

“I’ve always been fascinated by how water moved and how that could be manipulated, especially in urban design where stormwater can be incorporated as an amenity.”

Amy Murdick


Stormwater Group Leader

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