I like working at Otak because my projects bring me in contact with stormwater managers throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Trista's proclaimed superpower is finding the nexus between engineering, science and policy to create implementable plans for communities. She is able to practice her power in working with stormwater managers throughout the Pacific Northwest to bring projects to successful completion. The nonprofits that Trista supports convey an appreciation for many facets of society from homes for foster children to land trusts and trail builders. You can find Trista hiking, kayaking and camping, or putting on her dancing shoes because who doesn't enjoy a little Salsa?
Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology
Columbia Land Trust
Share of Vancouver
Children’s Home Society of Washington
Clark County Food Bank, Wilderness Volunteers
Washington Trails Association
Engineering & Survey
Stormwater Planning
Water Resources Engineering
Social dancing (like Salsa!)
Hiking and camping
Attending dance and art performances