US Forest Service: Wild and Scenic River Studies California

The United States Forest Service is responsible for managing Wild and Scenic Rivers on lands within their jurisdiction. Part of this responsibility includes fulfilling the visitor use management and visitor capacity mandate of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (1968).

Long-Term Monitoring and Adaptive Management for WSR Corridors

The Otak visitor use management team works with the USFS to measure recreation use, formulate desired conditions, indicators, and thresholds, estimate visitor capacities, and develop long-term monitoring and adaptive management plans for WSR corridors. We design methods to address a full spectrum of landscape-scale river corridor settings and uses, often in locations with no discrete access points or restricted hours of operation. Our work includes developing recreation use statistics, user capacity methods and estimates, and monitoring plans for six river corridors in San Bernardino National Forest and two in Inyo National Forest.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.

“I enjoy working at Otak because of all of the great people as well as the broad diversity of projects.”

Chad Weiser


Director of Federal Business