SR520 HOV and Bridge Replacement Program Washington
The SR520 Program involved three major design-build projects including a pontoon fabrication contract valued at over $300M, bridge replacement and HOV project at over $800M and highway expansion project at over $350M. Work included three major bus transit stations, signalization, communications, maintenance base and toll systems.
Complete Support for Large Transportation Program Goals
In accordance with WSDOT manuals and guidance documents, the SR520 design build program totaled $4.6B and required significant advising, business and construction support. Otak worked with all partners in developing, implementing and executing initiatives, plans and support for permitting, design and construction delivery. The firm provided eight full time staff in roles ranging from inspection, scheduling and program management to claims, compliance and progress reporting. This included responsibility for all weekly, monthly, and quarterly reporting related to program delivery, finance and executive briefings.