Springwater Wetlands Restoration Portland, Oregon
The Springwater Wetlands Restoration project reconnects and restores the Johnson Creek floodplain while managing flooding by expanding on existing, historic wetlands. An unsteady-state hydraulic model was used to evaluate flood storage capacity and develop hydraulic connections that convey flood flows to and from the wetlands. The project also restores the wetland as a wildlife habitat and space for public access.
Enhancing a Wetland for Improved Habitat and Community Flooding
In addition to managing flooding, the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) aimed to restore the Springwater Wetland, including the removal of contaminated fill and non-native species. The improved natural habitat would also involve added public access. Hydraulic modeling and hydrologic analysis was used to develop the Johnson Creek Restoration Plan that accounts for 10-year storm, 25-year flood, and 100-year flood events. This gathered data also informed a design that includes the creative reuse of historic stonework from the adjacent creek restoration site as seating, new plaza areas, and architectural features throughout the site. A dual-use trail system would create a safe, accessible connection to Springwater Corridor Trail. Otak led the predesign research and worked iteratively with BES and other stakeholders meet a variety of goals throughout the permitting and design processes.