South Boulder Road At-Grade Crossings Louisville, Colorado

The City of Louisville faced a major challenge in improving South Boulder Road At-Grade crossings to ensure pedestrian safety while also managing federal requirements and associated documentation. Improvements at 5 different intersections involved the installation of pedestrian signals and would all be completed in accordance with CDOT local agency requirements.

Managing a Federally-Funded Project for Pedestrian Safety Improvements

Improvements to South Boulder Road addressed critical issues such as tie-in elevations at each intersection, and updated 30 plus year old traffic signal equipment with new high-intensity activated crosswalk (HAWK) systems while ensuring 13 ADA ramps meet all requirements. As a federally-funded, CDOT agency project, the project involved significant documentation.  In close collaboration between all stakeholders, the Otak team led construction management, inspection, and materials testing services. Issues with tie-in elevations of the existing asphalt and the new asphalt were quickly resolved with field adjustments derived from a deep understanding of design concepts which ultimately led to 3% savings on the overall bid.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.

Patrick Pease

Group Leader