Moshier Park Burien, Washington

With the City of Burien receiving a grant through the Washington Department of Ecology, a multidisciplinary Otak approach led design and construction engineering support for the stormwater retrofit of Moshier Park. Plans for the project include a comprehensive design for park improvements to benefit local waterways as well as the community at large.

Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Meets A Community Center

Restoration and preservation are an increasing priority in King County, Washington which is home to various native fish species including Coho Salmon. The Moshier Park public works project balanced a number of priorities with the ultimate goal of improving water quality to the Miller Creek watershed. Designed to mimic functions of the region’s naturally forested area, a number of green stormwater management techniques would return aquatic habitats to healthy levels while also addressing localized flooding that’s caused erosion along Miller Creek. Those improvements include two infiltration galleries, permeable pavement in the parking lot and sidewalks, onsite bioretention facilities, and biofilter treatment structures. Design of these features are seamlessly integrated with broader objectives for 15.2-acre public park’s place in the community. Adjacent to a high school and Burien’s Art Center, Otak coordinated with multiple stakeholders to build consensus around planned reconstruction of the concessions/restroom building and retrofit of the primary athletic field and parking lot to optimize the multi-purpose park’s usage as a true community center.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.

Stormwater Planning
“I like working at Otak because my projects bring me in contact with stormwater managers throughout the Pacific Northwest.”

Trista Kobluskie


Senior Planner

Water Resources Engineering
“I enjoy working for an employer that has cultivated a culture which encourages employees to think big and to pursue our dreams.”

Russell Gaston

Sr. Technical Advisor

Planning & Landscape Architecture
“I enjoy planning at various scales and understanding how people interact with spaces and environments to ultimately improve those experiences.”

Mandi Roberts


Director of Planning & Landscape Architecture

Structural Engineering
“The best part of my job is seeing needed infrastructure (especially bridges) get designed, permitted, and built.”

Doug Sarkkinen

Director of Bridges & Structures