Mill Creek Boulevard Subarea and Comprehensive Planning Mill Creek, Washington

With the goal of identifying the best future land uses for the area, the Mill Creek Boulevard Subarea Plan was completed in alignment with Washington Growth Management Act requirements for comprehensive planning to meet sustainability and resilience standards. In addition to working with the city to collaboratively engage diverse community interests, the Otak team also provided planning, market and economic development analysis, and urban design/placemaking concepts for a plan that extends the look and feel of Mill Creek’s highly successful town center southward.

Updating a Comprehensive Plan to Create Job and Housing Opportunities for a Growing Town Center

Just to the south of the town center of Mill Creek, Washington, is the vital corridor of Mill Creek Boulevard. In supporting the continued vibrancy and success of the town center that accommodates future growth in Mill Creek, this subarea plan envisioned a future with more housing choices and job opportunities. Originally developed in the 1980’s, properties in the subarea were zoned as business park and community business. The new vision calls for mixed-use redevelopment with a highly walkable network, accessible to bus rapid transit stations, new public spaces, and festival street areas designed for events and celebrations. Based on input from residents, the business community, and affected property owners, the plan was created through a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach. Updates to Mill Creek’s comprehensive plan would follow, using the vision for this subarea along with additional amendments, in advancing the city’s broader growth goals.

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“I enjoy planning at various scales and understanding how people interact with spaces and environments to ultimately improve those experiences.”

Mandi Roberts


Director of Planning & Landscape Architecture