McCaslin Boulevard Underpass Louisville, Colorado

To provide safe crossing between two open space properties and improve vehicular circulation in the trailhead parking lots, the City of Louisville aimed to add an underpass at McCaslin Boulevard. A redesign of the Davidson Mesa Trailhead would also be included to accommodate more vehicles and increase driver, pedestrian, and vehicular safety with a one-way round-about design.

Multiple Transportation Features for Improved Access and Safety to a Popular Trailhead

In improving vehicular circulation and trailhead access, the design of McCaslin Boulevard Underpass also includes the full reconstruction of two trailhead parking lots at Davidson Mesa and Harper Lake. It’s part of broader improvements to the Lake-to-Lake trail, including the CO 42 Underpass. The location of the underpass and angle of the approach trails were designed to frame and enhance views of the Flatirons (to the West) and Harper Lake (to the East). Natural stone retaining walls and site grading were designed to fit the structure approach between into the natural landscape. The facility was designed for multiple user types, including pedestrians, and bikes. An information Kiosk was designed to keep people informed with events and the Leon A. Wurl Wildlife Sanctuary on the Harper Lake side. Otak provided preliminary design and complete construction documentation in the development of this pubic asset.

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Scott Belonger

Senior Project Manager