Lake Washington Loop Trail Renton, Washington

To complete a gap in the more than 50-mile Lake Washington Loop Trail system, this segment also provides improved connections to downtown Renton and Boeing. Beginning with a preliminary design study, the Otak design ultimately adds 2,500 feet of an 11-foot-wide cycle track for bicyclists while updating existing sidewalks for pedestrian access.

Connecting a Bike Trail System and Multimodal Access to a Community Business Hub

After a preliminary design study recommended walkway and bicycle facility concepts for 7,000 feet of regional trail near the Renton airport and Boeing plant, this project moved forward in phases beginning with this 2,500-foot segment. In the resulting design, a cycle track and sidewalk were installed along the north side of Airport Way, and over the Cedar River. Due to limitations in right-of-way along Airport Way, traffic lanes were reconfigured to allow for the new cycle track. The project also included utility improvements, bridge handrail modifications, landscape and urban design, improved pedestrian connections, pedestrian lighting, signal updates, and signage. Otak provided surveying, preliminary engineering, final design, right-of-way plans, and construction engineering support.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.


Nico Vanderhorst

Interim President, Board Member & Regional Director, Puget Sound

Structural Engineering
“The structural group touches a lot of projects and our role in each of them can vary greatly... I think one thing I do well is keeping a lot of tasks moving at the same time.”

Bob Doherty


Business Unit Leader of Bridges & Structures

Survey & Mapping
“I aim to clear the way for folks to do their best work, so we leave with a sense of accomplishment, every day.”

Jon Yamashita

Regional Director, ORSWWA