Cedar Crossing Restoration Portland, Oregon

In reconnecting Johnson Creek to its historic floodplain, the stream restoration plan provided flood storage for peak flow attenuation, and improved riverine and wetland habitats. Otak led the overall project management, geomorphic assessment, monitoring data interpretation, hydrologic analysis and hydraulic modeling, as well as the comprehensive restoration design.

Enhanced Habitats for Endangered Species

Working with the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES), the Cedar Crossing Restoration enhanced native riparian vegetation and tree canopy, creating high-flow refugia for listed Endangered Species Act (ESA) species, particularly several ESA-listed salmonids. Overarching project elements involved demolition of structures, management of contaminated soil as well as a number of complex design, permitting and site preparation considerations. The stream restoration design included in-stream channel structures, bank stabilization, large woody debris structures and the removal of nearly 2,000 feet of a century-old WPA rock wall that lined both banks of the stream.

[Watch] A Stream Restoration Design that Improves Endangered Salmon Habitat

As one of the last creeks where salmon are actively spawning in Portland, Oregon, Johnson Creek is home to a variety of this important species, including many that remain endangered. Take a closer look at the approach to this stream restoration design. And see how a return of natural features adds resilience to the area while helping ensure salmonids have a path from the ocean to spawning sites for generations to come.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.

Environmental Science
“Working at Otak allows me to experience interesting, exciting projects while furthering my professional and personal development. ”

Tracy Emmanuel

Manager of Water & Natural Resources, Colorado

Stream Restoration
“I enjoy working for an employer that has cultivated a culture which encourages employees to think big and to pursue our dreams.”

Russell Gaston

Sr. Technical Advisor

Project Manager
“I like working at Otak because of the great people I get to interact with every day, the meaningful work I get to do restoring our natural environment, and the rotating beer tap/encouragement to bike commute!”

Nick Cook

Group Leader