Big Oak Flat Visitor Contact Station Improvements Tuolumne County, California
In replacing the existing Visitor Contact Station, a new welcome center would be designed just inside the Big Oak Flat entrance to Yosemite National Park. The 4,000 square-foot facility includes office space for staff working at the facility and within this district of the park. The Otak team developed solutions responding to a range of programmatic, functional, and logistical requirements involving multiple stakeholders, while developing an architectural language and character appropriate for a project of this significance—an entrance to this unique World Heritage Site.
An Energy-Efficient Welcome Center for a World Heritage Site
The Welcome Center design incorporates high energy efficient systems while site improvements include relocation of an emergency generator and a communication hub serving the entrance development area. In addition to the Welcome Center itself is also a separate, 1,250 square-foot restroom facility. A new exterior orientation plaza allows programs and self-serve orientation for visitors. The plaza includes information on general park orientation, interpretation, seasonal information, and trip planning while also providing shade areas and informal seating. Visitor parking will be expanded with an accessible pedestrian walkway extending from the parking area to the welcome center and restrooms.