Paepcke Transit Hub Improvements Aspen, Colorado

A combination of three popular bus stops, WE-Cycle stations, Car-to-Go, and its central location in town, Paepcke Park is one of the busiest transit hubs in the City of Aspen. With a focus on safety, accessibility, speed, and reliability, a comprehensive analysis and design for transportation improvements would take shape with the help of the community.

Comprehensive Transportation Analysis for an Updated Transit Design

In close collaboration with the City of Aspen and Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA), a multidisciplinary design team conducted widespread analysis aimed to improve all modes of transit at the Paekpcke Hub. Comprehensive studies covered traffic and parking analysis, bus and pedestrian movement analysis, connectivity analysis, busway and bus stop design, intersection design, as well as roadway and drainage design among others. Informing the design, improvements include dedicated bus lanes, BRT shelters, new lane configurations, improved parking layouts, multiple pedestrian and bicycle safety enhancement features, bicycle parking, additional crosswalks, widened sidewalks, grading and drainage improvements, and numerous green street solutions. A robust public involvement process solicited feedback through a series of surveys to come up with several options for each phase of the project.

Want to talk projects? Contact our team leads.

“We think outside the box, pay close attention to aesthetics, and come up with cool project concepts because we love what we do.”

Kevin Dooley

Business Unit Leader of Transportation & Infrastructure

Structural Engineering
“The best part of my job is seeing needed infrastructure (especially bridges) get designed, permitted, and built.”

Doug Sarkkinen

Director of Bridges & Structures