American Camp Visitor Center at San Juan Island National Historical Park San Juan Island, Washington

In replacing a temporary, 1,448 square-foot visitor center, the National Park Service (NPS) aimed to update facilities for visitors and staff alike. A 2,500 square-foot permanent visitor center would ultimately be constructed in its place. Otak led the design of these park improvements.

An Updated Facility for Improved Visitor Experiences and Park Operations

After studying potential locations for a new visitor center, the site of the existing double-wide trailer originally installed in 1977 was chosen for its replacement. The new design provides space for visitor orientation, seating for an updated audiovisual program, fully accessible exhibits, public restrooms, and office and storage space for ranger staff. With the goal of improving visibility and safe access to the site from the public roadway, the project also includes a realigned entry drive. Other site improvements include a new entry monument sign, an expanded parking lot, an outdoor interpretive plaza for education programs, new outdoor exhibits, upgraded power and communication service, and replacement of the septic system. The visitor center, parking lot, exhibits, audiovisual program and public restrooms will be fully accessible, allowing visitors of different abilities to learn about and experience park resources.

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Engineering & Survey
“I enjoy working at Otak because of all of the great people as well as the broad diversity of projects.”

Chad Weiser


Director of Federal Business

Public Architecture
“I am happiest spending time with my wife, going to play golf or sitting on a fishing boat.”

Matthew Neish

Business Unit Leader

Professional Registrations

Registered Architect (RA): Washington